3 Attributes Investors Find Attractive In Startup and Why Investors May Prefer Inhouse Development and Engineering Teams.

  1. The Ability To Be Flexible and Pivot: Inhouse teams allow the ability to change direction pending the market conditions. If there are instances where there can be improvement in the original idea there can be an ability to change direction. Investors tend to look at teams in conjunction with the idea behind the startup.

    • Some examples of tech companies that were able to pivot include X (Formerly Known As Twitter) which was originally called Odeo whose competitor was iTunes.

    • Another tech company that pivoted was Shopify (previously called Snowdevil), which started as a snowboarding equipment eCommerce website. -

    • Source startupsavant.com

  2. A Strong Team: According to Stanford.edu the founder’s ability to manage tames is one of the most important attributes that drive investment decisions, and can be preferred over the technology or idea alone. Investor’s decisions to fund can range on various attributes from the product itself, the management team, or what markets are outside influences.

  3. Quality Control and Velocity: Inhouse teams can have more control of the intellectual property (IP), and the code itself. In addition to quality control, in-house teams can have faster ideation, feedback loops, and continuous improvement.

Alex Reynolds

I'm a talent acquisition partner with over 9 years of combined experience in talent acquisition, digital marketing, and design.

I specialize in helping startups, remove bottlenecks in recruitment when they are building their teams. Whether you are a company looking to make your first strategic hire, or this isn't your first time at the recruitment rodeo, I can help provide quality candidates that align with your requirements, mission, and vision.

My experience has allowed me to work in e-commerce, government contracting, agency-side recruitment, in-house recruitment for a global digital marketing agency, to partnerships in the startup ecosystem.

I'm passionate about connecting people and helping find strategic recruitment solutions to position companies in a better place than they were before. I've successfully recruited across a variety of industries and skill sets, but my favorite ecosystem to recruit in is anything that involves the intersections of technology, creativity, and design.

If you are interested in connecting feel free to reach out, I'm always down for a friendly chat.

If you would like to work together, I'm incredibly passionate about creating a positive interview experience for you and your company. Utilizing recruitment strategies to effectively source candidates while providing detailed feedback. I pride myself on quality over quantity. Delivering only the best candidates that align with your company's needs while also being your biggest advocate, rooting for you along the way.

Book a free discovery call with me here -> BOOK A CALL <-


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