5 Tips To Find Candidates On LinkedIn For Your Growing Start Up

Job boards can eat at your recruitment budget and you might not even find the candidates for your growing start-up.

Here are some helpful tips on how startups can grow their teams using LinkedIn.

1. Understand how boolean searches work. LinkedIn likes to be spoken to a certain way so it can help you find specific candidates with certain keywords on their profiles. LinkedIn has a great article discussing how boolean searches work on their platform -> https://lnkd.in/ei5g3CzH

2. Build your talent pools based on the ideal candidate profile. Your ideal candidate profile should have hard-skills, soft-skills, and types of experience in mind when creating this. Depending on your volume and budget LinkedIn has various packages that you can consider.

3. Develop your reachout messaging so the candidates you are reaching out to have a clear understanding of what the startup and the role is. You can easily develop modular and reusable templates from these.

4. Have the important details in regards to the logistics of the role up front. (pay range, scope of work, location, employment classification, industry type etc.

5. Have a structured (I don't recommend improvising this) interview flow with specific questions that allow you to understand the candidates experience in totality. The interview should uncover if the you are both mutual fits for each other. Your interview process should be repeatable and measurable.

Alex Reynolds

I'm a talent acquisition partner with over 9 years of combined experience in talent acquisition, digital marketing, and design.

I specialize in helping startups, remove bottlenecks in recruitment when they are building their teams. Whether you are a company looking to make your first strategic hire, or this isn't your first time at the recruitment rodeo, I can help provide quality candidates that align with your requirements, mission, and vision.

My experience has allowed me to work in e-commerce, government contracting, agency-side recruitment, in-house recruitment for a global digital marketing agency, to partnerships in the startup ecosystem.

I'm passionate about connecting people and helping find strategic recruitment solutions to position companies in a better place than they were before. I've successfully recruited across a variety of industries and skill sets, but my favorite ecosystem to recruit in is anything that involves the intersections of technology, creativity, and design.

If you are interested in connecting feel free to reach out, I'm always down for a friendly chat.

If you would like to work together, I'm incredibly passionate about creating a positive interview experience for you and your company. Utilizing recruitment strategies to effectively source candidates while providing detailed feedback. I pride myself on quality over quantity. Delivering only the best candidates that align with your company's needs while also being your biggest advocate, rooting for you along the way.

Book a free discovery call with me here -> BOOK A CALL <-


Recruiting for your startup's first hire is more than just "skillset matching."


Networking Events, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Maryland.