5 Ways To Improve Employer Branding For Your Startup.

A weak employer brand can make it difficult to attract top talent for your startup.

Here are some ways to alleviate this.

  1. Know what your Employer Value Proposition “EVP” is. Your EVP is essentially what your employees will receive in return for their skill set, experience, and what they providing to your startup. Your EVP can include things such as company culture, a strong mission, compensation packages, and values.

    One of my favorite employer brandings is the Pittsburgh-based language learning app, Duolingo. They made it their mission to make language learning fun while making it personalized and accessible. In their press, they have made a conscious effort to make their language and visuals inclusive and non-stereotypical through their design work. Their website clearly outlines their benefits while offering transparency in their salaries. In addition to this, their tone and messaging across their social media platforms use humor to engage their audience.

  2. Create a compelling website and careers page, that showcases your company culture, and your team. Use storytelling to create a connection to potential candidates that would work for your startup.

  3. Leverage social media to communicate with potential candidates about your company culture, partnerships, successes, mission, and values.

  4. Promoting diversity equity and inclusion by showcasing the diverse backgrounds of your team members and highlighting your startup’s inclusive policies and practices. This can also be showcased by participation in certain events throughout the calendar year such as Black History Month, Women’s History Month, LGBTQ Pride Month, Asian History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, to acknowledging Veterans on your team.

  5. Promote your company’s mission and the impact your company is looking to have on its customer base. This can be effective if your startup has initiatives such as; carbon emission reduction, healthcare, social change, accessibility, or education. When crafting your employer narrative tailor your messaging to potential employees that are looking to make a similar impact. If your startup isn’t necessarily about these topics it is imperative to make sure your startup’s messaging speaks to the ideal candidate who would want to contribute their time, skillset, and expertise to your startup.

LinkedIn has a great article that goes into more detail about employer branding here → https://www.linkedin.com/business/talent/blog/talent-acquisition/employer-branding

Alex Reynolds

I'm a talent acquisition partner with over 9 years of combined experience in talent acquisition, digital marketing, and design.

I specialize in helping startups, remove bottlenecks in recruitment when they are building their teams. Whether you are a company looking to make your first strategic hire, or this isn't your first time at the recruitment rodeo, I can help provide quality candidates that align with your requirements, mission, and vision.

My experience has allowed me to work in e-commerce, government contracting, agency-side recruitment, in-house recruitment for a global digital marketing agency, to partnerships in the startup ecosystem.

I'm passionate about connecting people and helping find strategic recruitment solutions to position companies in a better place than they were before. I've successfully recruited across a variety of industries and skill sets, but my favorite ecosystem to recruit in is anything that involves the intersections of technology, creativity, and design.

If you are interested in connecting feel free to reach out, I'm always down for a friendly chat.

If you would like to work together, I'm incredibly passionate about creating a positive interview experience for you and your company. Utilizing recruitment strategies to effectively source candidates while providing detailed feedback. I pride myself on quality over quantity. Delivering only the best candidates that align with your company's needs while also being your biggest advocate, rooting for you along the way.

Book a free discovery call with me here -> BOOK A CALL <-


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