Are networking events worth it?

Sometimes, not always. (as Whitney Houston said in that one interview) Not all networking events are created equal. Starting out as a new business owner in the summer of 2023 I flooded my calendar with as many networking events as possible. I’m based out of the Baltimore/DC area so I stuck with that location at first.

My first networking event was not that successful there was an entry fee of $20 dollars to attend. (I was on vacation in the San Diego, so I decided to book for an event there). There was no turn out after 10-15 people confirmed. So the event was cancelled. I then found out the same networking event had another event in Washington DC shortly after I returned and I was promised that they would roll over the previous ticket and it would be honored in the next event. There was no real turn out in that networking event either.

I fortunately was able to have a very positive experience with 3 other completely free networking events shortly after. I had the opportunity to meet various new business owners, people looking for the next stage in their career, or people looking for leads and referrals.

You also get to practice pitching yourself and how you potentially add value to other people. (I personally am not the “best” public speaker out there. I’m personally a lot better in mixed groups and one on one.

The most recent networking event I went to was a breakfast networking event where we all had to pitch ourselves to a group of maybe 20 people. I got away from just pitching my services. I pivoted to telling a story about who I am, how my industry is perceived and how I can potentially add a value. Even threw a Halloween joke in there because its almost October. “Finding candidates shouldn’t be as hard as bringing back the dead 👻” Everyone laughed.

Afterwards I met with people who were either in my field, curious about what I did, or wanted to connect me to someone. I quickly learned that not everyone necessarily knows what “recruiting, talent acquisition, or headhunting” is so quickly was able to pivot from “here is what I do” to how can I add value in some way. Whether that be talking about what marketing is, what an Applicant Tracking System is, or how you consult with people.

So absolutely go to networking events. They can be a great opportunity to…well… network.

Here are a list of take-aways.

  • Understand your value add. (Why should anyone care?)

  • Understand your elevator pitch. (This can be the opportunity to learn where you can change it if you need to. How are people responding to you? Are people more confused by what you said? Or were you able to provide clarity?)

  • Use humor if you can. (We all know we are here to network and do business development, we can at least have a fun time doing it.)

  • Have your business card ready. (More importantly, have intention behind the exchange. Its so easy to just hand your card to someone and just walk out the door with out making an impression on someone.)

  • Stay and mingle after the networking event is over. (I know we all are busy but you might miss out on someone that might want to connect with you. Or could connect you to someone else.)

  • Follow Up Follow Up Follow Up (email the person afterwards, and follow up with them later. Connect on Linkedin. If possible, set up a one-on-one if you can.

  • Research what kind of networking events might be the most relevant for you.

  • I would be careful if a networking event is asking for money up front without knowing the value add. (If you do sign up, do as much research as you can, before you spend. I’ve seen so many free networking events that have been more effective.)

About Me:

As a seasoned professional in staffing and placement services, I collaborate with a diverse range of businesses, from startups to established companies. Recognizing the need to eliminate bottlenecks in sourcing skilled professionals, my services extend to businesses in various industries, including those seeking freelance services. Whether you're in need of creatives, designers, marketers, developers, or sales professionals, I leverage my extensive network and effective sourcing strategies to connect you with top-tier candidates.

Connect with me on LinkedIn to explore how I can assist your organization. Fill out this form to kickstart the journey toward building a team that aligns seamlessly with your business goals.

Alex Reynolds

I'm a talent acquisition partner with over 9 years of combined experience in talent acquisition, digital marketing, and design.

I specialize in helping startups, remove bottlenecks in recruitment when they are building their teams. Whether you are a company looking to make your first strategic hire, or this isn't your first time at the recruitment rodeo, I can help provide quality candidates that align with your requirements, mission, and vision.

My experience has allowed me to work in e-commerce, government contracting, agency-side recruitment, in-house recruitment for a global digital marketing agency, to partnerships in the startup ecosystem.

I'm passionate about connecting people and helping find strategic recruitment solutions to position companies in a better place than they were before. I've successfully recruited across a variety of industries and skill sets, but my favorite ecosystem to recruit in is anything that involves the intersections of technology, creativity, and design.

If you are interested in connecting feel free to reach out, I'm always down for a friendly chat.

If you would like to work together, I'm incredibly passionate about creating a positive interview experience for you and your company. Utilizing recruitment strategies to effectively source candidates while providing detailed feedback. I pride myself on quality over quantity. Delivering only the best candidates that align with your company's needs while also being your biggest advocate, rooting for you along the way.

Book a free discovery call with me here -> BOOK A CALL <-

Onboarding a recruitment consultant (How To Work With Me)


The WARN Act